So, the chameleon died a few months ago. While we were in Fiji, actually. The guy taking care of the animals feels pretty bad still, but I know it wasn't his fault. You see, it was a female, and females lay eggs even when they aren't fertilized. So, of course she died because she was egg bound. I KNEW that was going to happen.
And of course you can't just have an empty cage laying around, so I decided it was time to venture into the exotics. And by exotic I mean lizards than any fool can manage to not kill. My local pet store does lizards and fish, and they had a batch of Bearded Dragons and also a Uromastyx. These were the two I had decided on from the reading I had done, and didn't really know which I would get. I decided on the Beardie because they were babies. And they had a male, because I don't want a female lizard ever again, unless I want to make babies. So I was going to give this guy a cool Dragon name, but he is now know as Fat Boy.
Because he's fat. (he's stuck in this picture, and I ran for the camera instead of first helping him out)
And he's a real clown. Here he is in his favorite position, watching the fish that are right next to him (something to keep him occupied).
Whatchulookinat, bitch. Gimme food.
He is currently 16 inches long, which is within maybe 6ish inches of his final adult length, and is about 5 months old. These guys eat greens and live food like worms of all types and crickets. I finally broke down and ordered 1000 worms because I got tired of going to the pet store every other day. He eats Dandelion greens the best, which is good cuz that's free! But I do get him to eat other greens lie kale and chard. And yes, I buy that especially for him. I only like lettuces and spinach, and he can't have spinach. He's supposed to eventually eat less live stuff and go for the greens more, but so far no such luck.
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