Showing posts with label blonde moments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blonde moments. Show all posts

Monday, February 16, 2009

Note to self

When procuring a device meant to hold large amounts of liquid, it is imperative to make sure said device is actually capable of holding liquid, before completing the procurement transaction.


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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Maya fall down go boom

I slipped and fell in the driveway today. I feel so old and feeble! One down spout drips right onto the driveway, now that the new setup extends the driveway all the way to the side where this downspout is. With it hardly getting above freezing in the day, I have to watch out for this icepatch that I've never had to worry about before. So, I didn't see it because there was some snow on it, and down I went. I've apparently learned how to fall slowly, because I'm not hurt. Thankfully it was good snow, so even though it packed onto my butt and side I fell on, it just brushed right off!

~~END~~ Click for full post and comments

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Something's missing

Now that it's Christmas time, I like to do a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream (spray kind) with sprinkles on top. All that is stirred with a candy cane. So I'm doing up my drink (nothing says class like Nestle instant hot chocolate and spray Rediwhip) and realize the old candycanes I had extra from last year don't smell right. They smelled like plastic and not like peppermint. So I threw those out. I'm drinking my missing ingredient drink, thinking it could use some punch or zing or something. "If only I had a source of peppermint" I thought. It was good, because anything with Rediwhip is good. But it was missing that last little bit.

Today I looked at the cupboard as saw the peppermint schnapps. dammit!

Today at the commissary I got candycanes and freshened my multi-year-old hot chocolate.

~~END~~ Click for full post and comments

Monday, September 22, 2008

Is it still under warranty?

I did a dumb thing with my sunglasses yesterday. I set them on a precarious place on the trunk while I was packing up camera gear. As I did so, I said "OK, Maya, remember they are there before closing the trunk." So now I have a crushed pair of sunglasses. I'm not sure the warranty would cover such damage, even if I still had the receipt. It's fine, though, because I had an old pair as backup. They have a chip right in my line of sight because I dropped them.

You just can't trust me with anything nice. Click for full post and comments

Friday, September 5, 2008

WB demands I be all logical and whatnot

With respect to the flowering cactus post below, writer's block noted
I did not supply a photo. This is the best I can do from work.

Sent from my iPhone

[Update:] well jeez. I guess when the choice that says "email link of this picture" comes up, I should just ignore it, because that sure didn't work.

There. That's better.

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Thursday, July 31, 2008

How I got a burn on my arm and had to set the oven to clean

The other day I was putting a frozen pizza in the oven, my arm hit the inside of the 450F door. I yelled and flinched, dropping the pizza. The pizza ends up sticking straight up in the crack between door and oven. Toppings everywhere. Remember, the oven's hot, so those toppings start sizzling right away. I gave up on pizza for dinner and started something else to eat, as the oven now is out of commission. Hubby ended up nuking the pizza Stromboli style and ate that. Apparently the oven hadn't been cleaned in a while, because those fumes were noxious! All the windows were open and my eyes were still watering! House stank for two days afterward. All because I couldn't handle a little burning sensation. Click for full post and comments

Monday, January 8, 2007

I should just keep my mouth shut

me: so do you believe the Ark is on Mt. Everest?
guy I'm talking to: oh, you mean Mt. Ararat? No.

Why do I even bother with conversation. Click for full post and comments