Friday, January 5, 2007

Italy trip 2003: part 2

22 June 2003
We had our first dinner out at Cory’s, which we saw the day before while driving. It was a really nice outside area; the meat was all cooked over coals of an open olive branch fire. Really good food, but a little pretentious and expensive. The outside area was really nice to sit in though. Aside from dinner, my brother and I explored Cortona a bit. I ended up throwing up in the middle of the street and then sat on a bench for a while. my brother went up to the castle and got some probably good pictures. I just sat and then walked around some more. I felt fine just after throwing up, but not well enough to make it to the top. By dinner I was completely fine.

23 June 2003
I think this was the day we drove all over the Siena crest, took some nice pictures of hill towns, and ate in some Monte…something town. Our waiter looked like Elijah Wood, and the food was absolutely yummy. We got cappuccinos, and they came with 1, 2, and 3 written in the foam. It was very cute. Just the right amount compared to the way-too-much-food we got at Cory’s. I guess we have figured out we don’t have to get something from each course.

Trying to get out of town, we went through some small little hole in the wall, and it ended up being someone’s driveway. It wasn’t just a driveway, it was narrow, made of dirt, pot-holy, and at least a 20% grade. It was scary, and since we were not driving the most powerful car in the world, we were a little worried if we could make it back up. So this town was pretty much on top of a hill, and this dirt road just kept going further toward the valley floor. I just thought we could get to the valley and then get back to the main road. Once we all decided it was a driveway and would not come out anywhere except someone’s front door, we turned around and headed back up to the town. I think the whole thing wouldn’t have been so bad if there weren’t so many potholes in the road. We needed to keep our speed up so we could make it, but that just made the bounces worse. If this car makes it the whole two weeks I’ll be amazed.

to be continued...

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