I finally got another cat yesterday. Mittens has been dead for 10 months, and a couple days after she died my mom asked "so when are getting another one?" Well, its not like I've been catless all this time, so I didn't really have the motivation I would if there were no kitties. But I had been getting closer to actually going to the shelter in the last couple months. Anyway, a lady a work has some strays running around her neighborhood, and there was one that was nicer and friendlier than the rest. So I got my grimy mitts on the little fella and now he's mine.

notice the totally cute little white tip of the tail

wook at that puddum
His name is Biscuit, because I'm a weirdo, and he's neutered already. He's got a soft short coat, and he's very friendly. Of course, he used to be someone's pet, since he's neutered. And bringing him inside the house he really didn't freak at all. Today is the second day here, and runs around the "cat zones" of the house (basement and occasionally first floor) like he owns the place. Saffron is not pleased,

and only growls impotently, sometimes hisses. But he just ignores her because he's apparently already the alpha. I guess that's OK, Saffron needed to be knocked down a notch. Seriously, he's cool as a cucumber, and that's what I liked about Mittens the most.
So hopefully when I take him to the vet he won't come back positive for FIV or something, now that I'm all attached to him and stuff. Also, by "worth every penny" regarding a free cat, I don't mean it sarcastically. I just couldn't come up with a title.
P.S. He's a laser pointer kitty.
tomorrow will be one month since you last blogged. just thought you'd like to know!
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