Sunday, May 10, 2009

More Gravy Goodness

So Gravy has been here for, what, 4 days now? She's getting better about being out and about, but runs whenever someone enters the room. I took her to the vet the day after I brought her home, and she's good to go: no FIV or Feline Leukemia. She may have been a little wormy, and had a little bit of ear mites, and got medicine for both. She got one vaccine, instead of the two or three, because she's so small. And she gobbled up the dewormer like it was candy! (Usually everyone in the room gets covered in yellow goop.)

So I've still got her locked up in the main floor bathroom, while Biscuit sulks.
Biscuit sulking

He's OK when he doesn't see her, but starts hissing if she's within eyesight. Gravy is starting to play, but is still concerned about being out in the open. So her play is one part pawing at the toy, and another part realizing she not under cover and running for a hidey hole.
Gravy in a hidey hole

Not much else going on: medicating the fish for fin rot. This antibiotic was Tetracycline, which seems to do a lot better than the Maracyn II I used last problem. The water turns yellow-orange, but it's still clear. The Maracyn II made the water totally gunked up and I couldn't even see when all the fish died, It was horrible. So Yay Tetracycline! Got a batch of 14 babies from one female!! They eat the flake food well, and I hope all 14 make it (of the 20some the mom spit out)


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