Wednesday, August 29, 2007

New batch of Kenyi

So this weekend I got tired of waiting for the female Kenyi to spit out her babies. I put her in a live-bearer box in the tank, and all the other fish kept hanging around her box and making her very nervous. So I finally just dumped her back in still holding her babies (actually, she had let one go, there was a dead baby floating on the surface of her box). I don't like the idea of stripping (where you physically grab her and open her mouth to force her to spit. I think that's horrible) so I just decided to let whatever happens happen.

Also, I had the five larger babies (a couple are maybe an inch long, some are less than that) in another live-bearer box, and they seemed to be doing pretty well. I got tired of maintaining the littler 5 gallon tank, it was too much trouble, so I put them in the box. And now they are also swimming free like their momma. They are doing well in the open. They all have found hiding places and the other fish seem to leave them alone.

So I was looking in the tank just now, and I saw three tiny babies! I had seen one over the weekend, maybe the day after I put mom back in the open. But now there are three! I wonder how many there really are? I also wonder if they'll make it to adulthood without my interference...

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