Sunday, September 13, 2009

Icky bugs!

So we're just getting home from a BBQ now (midnight). We left before the mail came so we got it now. It was dark and Hubby didn't know what he was reaching his hand into until he got in the house and felt crawlies on his hand. And then looked down at the mail. And saw ants all over the mail and his hand. And didn't scream like a little girl, at least, but still was not pleased at all. So the ants were flicked into the sink or squished, the spray was got and used. And we went out to the mailbox to see just what in the Sam Hill was going on in there. There were trying to build a nest, as there was a big pile of eggs in there!! And so they were sprayed. And it was good.


1 comment:

wRitErsbLock said...


still, better than the twitter update I just read from someone in texas who said as she was shooing a huge wolf spider out of her kitchen, it dropped hundreds of babies

Stuff of my nightmares.