Thursday, November 13, 2008

Boring fish post

I changed the CO2 tank on the discus tank today. So I'll have to look back to see how long that lasted. I also need to subtract a couple weeks from the total because I added too much peat extract and the pH stayed low without the CO2 turned on at all.

Also, it should be noted that discus are more robust than some would have you think. My two canister filters sat rotting for weeks (because I forgot to plug them in when I last cleaned them!) so without thinking I just plugged them in. Well, there was some anaerobic processes going on in those weeks, so some foul smelling water came out of them. Anaerobic bacteria produces H2S I think. Anyway, this is a poison to fish, and I have no carbon filtration. So I did exactly what you are not supposed to do and yanked the Magnum Hang On Tank filter off the other tank, put the wet micron filter away in a plastic bag, and gave the whole thing a quick rinse. I still had the carbon filter module that came with it, so filled it up, rinsed it out, and hooked it up to the front of the discus tank. Everyone is still alive, so I must not have messed up too bad.


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