Sunday, August 16, 2009

Biscuit is a bad kitteh (very boring post)

The other day Biscuit was out all night or I hadn't seen home morning and evening or something, and when he showed up his fur was covered in something like dried spit. Now you know when a cat washes itself they end up very clean. His fur was sort of crusty. So he's got dried slobber all over his fur, one ear is very sensitive and has blood on the inside of it, and he yowls every time he would try to scratch his head (not a very bright kitteh). I was pretty worried, but decided to wait it out and, if necessary, would take him to the vet the next day.

Don't leave yet, there more boring cat stuff below the fold!

That must have been Friday, because I remember wonder about Banfield being open on Saturdays. Also, I was lamenting not putting him on the Wellness Plan. [Gravy is on it, and you pretty much pay per year, and a lot of things that normally happen to animals is covered. It's like a warranty, you're just hoping something bad happens so you'll get your money's worth. But in addition to some bad stuff being covered, all the vaccines, neuter/spay, etc. are covered.]

So anyway: Saturday. Biscuit had a swollen forehead, and looks like a Cro Magnon Kitteh. And it apparently was more sensitive, as he was really upset when he would try and scratch his head. Again, not a bright kitteh. But his ear didn't appear to have any tears or anything in it, I think there may be a puncture maybe inside, but I'm not sure.

Now Sunday: swelling down, sensitivity lower, haven't checked inside his ear. I was trying to figure our what animal has Biscuit's head in its mouth. Fox seem to leave Biscuit alone, also not big enough to get his big melon in their mouths. So that leaves dog. That means either there is a free range dog on the loose. (There are a couple near me, but they seem friendly enough. Check that. One chased Mittens under the neighbor's deck once. hhmmm.) Or, Biscuit roamed into a dog's yard, in which case he deserves to be nommed. Stupid cat.

So anyway, to wrap up this boring post. Biscuit nommed by dog, don't know what damage to his ear there is. I'm keeping him inside at night now.

In other kitteh news, Gravy is fixed so I've been letting her outside as long as Biscuit is there. Because he's such a good influence and definitely won't get her into trouble. She seems to have a great time in the yard, as there are lots of flying bugs and crickets in the grass to chase and pounce. She's been caught in monsoons a couple times, but I've gotten her before the hard downpour started. Just a few slow-moving giant rain drops that seem to freak her right the hell out. I don't know if it's the things hitting her from the air that she doesn't like, or her paws getting wet on the grass, or what. But she gets kinda freaked and then is frantic about finding a hiding place. Biscuit and Saffron know to head for cover under the maple or some other bush and stay put (if they are too stupid to come inside when I call them). Gravy hasn't learned that hunkering down thing yet.

[UPDATE Wednesday] Biscuit's ear is less tender, but he has a likely abscess in there. I feel a hard lump on his head (and inside smells bad). So now I get to go to the vet! Yay!


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