Monday, May 4, 2009


1) My fish are sick, and I've only have horrible luck with the antibiotics. On the bright side, one of the females just dropped 20someodd babies! How'd they all fit in there??? Of those, 10ish were dead when I finally checked on them, so I pulled them out of the breeder box and fed them to the adults. Bad idea to give them the taste for fish? I'm pretty sure they've been snacking on babies for a while now. So there's another 10 or so swimming up towards the surface of the breeder box, and they seem to know how to eat flake food. I'm hoping for just a couple to survive, but with the coming Apocalypse (medication that will kill them) and then Rapture (me flushing them) following, I may need as many free fish as possible to repopulate their universe.

2) The little lizard I got last week seems to be doing fine; I have yet to see with my own eyes him eating any food. But when I look at him in the evening, the lettuce seems to be less (aside from the fact it's all dried out). He doesn't do a whole lot: he was thoroughly uninterested when I put in a crickie. Could be he's never seen one before.

3) A guy at work had a feral cat give birth in the window well of his basement. There are four kittens, he says about 5 weeks old (but still nursing). He's going to try to capture one for me, and I shall hug him and squeeze him and call him Gravy. Get it? Biscuit and Gravy? Yes, there is a strong likelihood I'm retarded.

4) I ordered new jammies today. The ones I'm wearing right this second are actually falling apart.

5) I had the phone outside while I was clearing a patch of dandelion garden to plant a tiny sprout of rhubarb. So with he phone outside I put the volume on 11. That was Saturday. Monday morning at 6 am I could sense that thing taking a deep breath to belt out level 11 alarm noise. Scared the shit out of Hubby, and I was lucky to not fumble the thing across the room while trying to silence it.

6) About that tiny little sprout of rhubarb. Hubby's mom sent two pieces of rhubarb Friday. One was the itty bitty sprout, with one tiny little yellow leaf on it. The other had some stalks with leaves. I thought what she was sending was some theat and some to plant. Upon reflection, I think I was supposed to plant both. The amount of usable materiel (I consider this shit something the Geneva Convention should cover) was very little. Nowhere near enough to make pie. So then I thought I'd make pielets in my muffin tin. Hubby said don't bother, we'll find some at the store and combine. So anyway, getting as much of the usable stalk as posible means I tore the everloving crap out of the rhizome or whatever rhubarb grows from. Had I used my brain, I would have a better chance of my back breaking labor on Saturday panning out. See above note about being retarded.


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