Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day late, but I don't care

I went to the Tea Party in my town (sent a pic to Insty, and got posted!) Hubby estimated the crowd to be 3-400 hundred, which I think is pretty good. I wasn't really expecting many to show up, but they did! And they seemed like a happy crowd, not angry, or militant, or nasty or anything like that; just regular people who came to hear what was being said. I only took a few pictures, because I was paying attention to the speakers. Also, we were only there for a short time because we had to get ready for BBQ. But here are the few:

(a guy and a donkey sitting next to each other, guy holding the Cap and Trade Bill, donkey sez "I'm waiting for the movie to come out."

This Senate hopeful was the first speaker when we arrived. He seems like a good guy. Now if only I knew his name to vote for him!

Hey! That's me!



wRitErsbLock said...

congrats on instapundit!

wRitErsbLock said...

here's the direct link, since insty is so huge, the links get hard to find:

sorry I missed it when it happened, but i don't get to insty often enough (and he just posts so much!)