Thursday, February 1, 2007

Mosaic mirror

Here's a mirror (the only one I've completed) I did a while ago. It took me a long time to get it finished because I wasn't happy with how the grout turned out. I ripped up every single tile and chipped out all the grout! This was only possible because instead of applying the tessarae to a wood frame and then inserting a mirror, I just applied everything directly to a large mirror. It actually works pretty well because when you make a mistake you can easily pull the adhesive off the glass. I currently have another one going that is a wood frame. If you want to pull a tile off that's dried, you pull up a good amount of wood too. (This can be avoided by using high density fiber board, that smooth brown stuff). So I essentially did this mosaic twice! It was a good learning experience, and every time I look at the finished product I look at what I should do differently or the same for the next one.

All of my materials: tile, grout, nippers, sponges and applicators, adhesive, were purchased at

So, the tessarae are applied directly to the glass mirror, I used one that was 8"x10". Before I got started I epoxied that brown board stuff with the holes in it (that you would stick the metal hooks in that would hold your tools in your shop). I used the board with the holes in it 1) that's the first the first thing I found, and 2) it gives more surface area for the epoxy to stick: it comes up through the holes a little.

Then I measured the desired width of the mosaiced part and drew with permanent marker. Windex removes the marker, and it won't rub off too much from just your hands (you still have to be a little careful). The daisies and snail by me, but the butterfly is way too good for me. I used a form from MosaicMercantile. I put those objects down first, then filled in the background. This is where I need the improvement. I needed to really pay attention to outlining the objects before doing the ordered background. Everything gets kinds of jumbled near each object, where I wanted it more defined. So that's what I'm working on in my current mirror.

When everything was dried and grouted, I screwed two short screws to the back and attached hanging wire. And now it's on my bathroom wall.

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