Saturday, February 3, 2007

Obligatory Valentine's rant

I don't like Valentine's Day. I know there are plenty of people who don't like how the meaning of, say, Christmas has been diluted into a mass-commercialized flurry of worrying if a present you give is "good enough." You shouldn't have to worry about sleeping with the dog because you didn't buy your wife diamonds. Here's what I believe: I don't care what the original meaning of Christmas is. I like presents, and I like sparklies. However, there are only a select few holidays where receiving sparklies is acceptable. Valentine's Day is not one of them. Neither is Mother's Day, since that's only fabricated by the greeting card companies. Sparklies are reserved for only Christmas and birthdays. These are the only two times of the year (and hope they don't fall too near each other on the calendar!) giving a gift as big as sparklies is acceptable.

So, since it's the beginning of February, I'm hearing the ads on the radio directed to the men to go buy a sparkly for their wives/girlfriends (and if my boyfriend gave me a real diamond for V Day I would probably freak out and dump him!). This is one instance I really feel sorry for men. I feel bad that they have to dodge these overt attempt to not only drain their wallets, but put them in a position to fail. The women start to feel they deserve a sparkly for something as stupid as V Day or Mother's Day. Then they get mad at the men for not giving them said sparklies. Then the men wonder what the hell they did wrong, and she won't tell him because he should just know what he did wrong. And god help him if he got her something *gasp* ugly!

Anyway, I am officially anti-V day. This "holiday" only serves to put men in the dog house.

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