Sunday, June 28, 2009

Making my list, checking it twice

I am putting together the list of food items to be at the 2nd annual Maya Papaya BBQ, along with what each item needs. I am moving a lot of the things to be made the day before, which is something I didn't do last year. Let's just say there -- wait -- corn on the cob -- OK where was I. Oh yeah: last year was kinda hectic day of BBQ. There's a lot of dips I can do up the night before; since they need to chill for a couple hours anyway, why not over night? But another reason I want to ease up on the amount of work day of, is there is a TEA party in my town in the morning. I really want to go and show off the Debt Star sign I'm going to make. Judging by the activities of our "representatives" of the last week, I think there are going to be plenty of things for people to gripe about. I just hope not a lot of people are leaving town that weekend. I think they did it in the morning so it wouldn't get in the way of any afternoon or evening activities we might have planned, so that was nice of them.

Anyway, back to thinking about food.


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