Friday, June 19, 2009

Tax man!

So I guess now I'm going to have to drop the "Going Galt" bit from my routine. OK, fine I don't have a routine, and I've probably only mentioned not having done anything with taxes yet once. Because today our taxes are done and filed. We submitted the paperwork to the tax guy before we left for Mexico, and because that was over tax day, he filed and extension for us. And a couple back and forths getting the final tidbits of paperwork to him, and finally we're filed. Our estimated for 2008 actually overpaid by almost one quarters payment, which has already been applied, so we don't get to actually see the cash. :(

Anyway, one less thing to worry about. On to trying to figure out how I'm going to get Gravy to the vet Monday if it's raining, with the only enclosed car in the shop. A soft top for the Jeep is looking better and better...


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