Sunday, December 28, 2008

Less grainy ice cream

My ice cream is grainy. That's from too much ice crystal growth. So, I've just spent the last couple minutes looking up how to get homemade ice cream to be less grainy. I have several options:

1) add about 1 tsp vodka. The alcohol helps prevent large crystal formation.

2) cook ingredients to 170F, put in fridge for a while to chill and mellow before adding to ice cream maker. Does something sciencey with proteins and enzymes.

3) remove milk completely from the recipe I'm using, fill in the volume with the cream and 0.5/0.5. There's a lot of water in the milk, no matter what grade it is. So, remove a source of water and remove a source of crystals.

Option 1 is appealing because it's easy and I like alcohol. Option 3 looks appealing because it's easy and I apparently like being fat. Option 2 is not appealing, as it adds infinitely more work to the process. But this option is probably the real way to do things, like the way professionals do it, you know?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you can't go wrong with vodka. unless it's cheap vodka. don't do cheap vodka, or I won't accept your invitation to come eat ice cream with you.