Thursday, February 26, 2009

Another animal update

Got a bird feeder set up, haven't seen any birds, but it's going to take them a while to figure there is edible food here again. So it's like Day Two of having the feeder up, and I found a dead bird in the basement. I guess that means someone discovered the food, right? But didn't get a chance to tell his buddies because Biscuit is too good of a hunter.

Anyway. The point is I've ordered a webcam, under the very helpful guidance of WB's hubby. He was even kind enough to point me to an awesome sale ... after I already had ordered a cheaper model, just my luck. So we'll see if I can get the thing hooked up; I was going to point it at the bird feeder, and then other things like the fish tank when I get more cameras. After the dead bird discovery I had an image in my brain about what the camera would capture: fade in. Tight shot of feeder, couple birds nibbling. Suddenly a black and white paw is seen carefully reaching up from the bottom of the screen. Doesn't get anything with that swipe. Then another swipe. Then you see the feeder rocking and swinging wildly with two black and white paws attached firmly to the edge, with birds scattering everywhere. *scene* Hey! That's good TV! But I expect nothing anywhere near that exciting. Be lucky to even catch a glimpse of one danged bird at this rate.

Fish: doing good. The new peacocks I got for the cichlid tank are doing very well. The original female is still holding (still no sign of the two babies) as well as one of the new females already! Discus are still trying to spawn. I watched the act the other day, but the male (I am now mostly sure the blue one is a male) wasn't into it, and the female never actually laid any eggs. She rubber her dangly bits on the leaf though, just like she would to deposit eggs.

Lizards: what a couple of weirdos. Fatboy woke of from brumation for a few days, got a worm and lots of water, so that made me feel better. Even with the curtain open (so full view of sunrise/set) he went back under his log for more sleep. Little guy (Big red) just crawled under a log the other day too! He had been trying the brumation thing off and on all winter, but I think he was just too young to get the full hang of it. But he's been down for a few days now, right when he should be starting to wake up.

I would like to get a camera set up on the discus and the peacocks. The lizards are just pretty boring unless they are interacting with something, like trying to eat my finger.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love WB's husband!