Monday, February 16, 2009

Lost in Lost

I love Netflix. I've got the whole Lost series (however many seasons available on Netflix) coming two discs at a time. Friday and Saturday nights Hubby and I watched them both. So I am officially 7 episodes into Lost. I want to find the forums and see what people were saying as each episode aired, but I don't want to run into conversations about things that haven't happened (for me) yet. I guess I'll just have to go in blind. But, I have to say I really like it, as I new I would because it's my kind of show. Hubby probably thinks it's only OK, but he doesn't like very many things on TV. (Right this instant he's downstairs watching Adam 12 on Netflix Instant. What a weirdo.)

Related, I've been downloading each episode of Fringe as it is released to the underground, but watching them on Hulu. I am keeping a stock of the episodes so I can go back and look for clues and try to figure things out. That is how much of a dork I am.


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