Sunday, November 16, 2008

Cat blogging

is good for you.
Every once in a while Biscuit gets tired of laying on the floor or our chairs, so he'll get up on our laps without me even having to hunt him down and hold him against his will.

I found a flea on him (the cat, not the Hubby) the other day, so I went out and got the goop you squirt on the back of the neck. So now I've got a greasy little booger running around. But I did learn that that goop stuff actually kills fleas and ticks. I guess I just thought it repelled them like old fashioned flea collars. So that got me thinking about what an ingenious killing method that is: apply to skin, skin absorbs and body possibly metabolizes the goop, creating a compound that kills the things that will eat the blood! Awesome!

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