Friday, August 1, 2008

Animal update (so I can use up some pictures)

Fat Boy, the bearded dragon, is a giant freak of nature. I measured him a couple days ago, and he's about 16.5 inches long. His rate of growth has definitely slowed, thank god, but he is a lot bigger than even the pictures from just a few weeks ago.
His tail has grown very muscular, so that when I pick him up he swing it wildly, maybe for balance, I don't know. But he can wrap it around things as I pull him out of the cage, making it awkward when he chooses to latch onto the heat lamp. Idiot. 

Also, I got 4 additional discus today, so now it's up to 8 in the 125 gallon tank. The original 4 have grown some, but one started out bigger than the others and has become quite stunning. Another has sort of hidden the whole time, and I'm not sure how much he actually eats, thus is a little smaller than the rest. So of the 4 new ones, two are about the size of the bigger original one, and the other two are about the size of the rest. So hopefully everyone will get along. One important thing I've noticed: I have a bunch of flying foxes in there (for algae) and they have totally left the discus alone. I pulled some of them out today and put them in another tank because they fight amongst themselves constantly. 

I am currently feeding the discus not enough, probably, but I'm not home during the day. So they get two meals a day, which consist of a brick of frozen bloodworms (by Hikari) and then some frozen 50/50 blend of bloodworms and brine and mysis shrimp (by H2O Life). They have not yet learned to grab floating food off the surface, although they notice it's there at least. 

I've been thinking of another type of plant to add to this aquarium, because all the plants now are green. And boring. I want a plant with color in there. Problem is, the tanks at 84F, so a lot of plants will not survive. I'll do some research.

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