Monday, August 11, 2008

Fatboy's replacement

As I stated in the comments of the disappearance of Fatboy post, he ran away just over a week ago, and the neighbors saw the two hawks that live around here down on the ground chasing after something. I'm guessing it was Fatboy, and it pisses my off that he'd be so close (next yard over) and in an area I looked in multiple times. 

Anyway, had an empty (and freshly cleaned and setup) cage, so I went back to the pet store. I got a different color variant. This one is more of a red color, and he's just so cute! And tiny! He's only 6 inches long (Fatboy was 16.5) which sounds kinda big, 
but 3 of those inches is tail.
I'm starting this guys off on the right (?) track: I fed him a whole worm today (still have a bunch left over) and I had to cut it in half while the little guy was chomping. He managed to get both halves down. Good for him! On his way to being Fatboy2!

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