Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'll Tennessee you in my dreams

This'll disappoint some Googlers when they get here looking for a Tanya Tucker site. Oh well. We're heading to Knoxville today. Finally going to visit a friend of ours who is moving back West again, and he has too many guns to ship. So we are going to be rolling through DC on Inauguration Day with a trunk loaded with guns. Should be interesting! If you don't hear from me for like six months, it's either me being my normal non-blogging self or I'm in Gitmo, or if Gitmo is closed then another secret CIA camp.

In unrelated news the momma cichlid that was holding has let her baby go, and I got to see it this morning. He's bigger than I thought it would be, so hopefully this guy will make it. He's got a good hiding spot.

[UPDATE] We're in Knoxville, and let me tell you: 35F feels like a tropical paradise compared to the 11F we left in MD. And right now it's 39F! It's positively sweltering!

[UPDATE] Idiot Friend says he's going to pack his guns in the trunk of the car that's getting shipped, instead of letting us take care of them. We'll see how good an idea that is when they get stolen.


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