Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Maya fall down go boom

I slipped and fell in the driveway today. I feel so old and feeble! One down spout drips right onto the driveway, now that the new setup extends the driveway all the way to the side where this downspout is. With it hardly getting above freezing in the day, I have to watch out for this icepatch that I've never had to worry about before. So, I didn't see it because there was some snow on it, and down I went. I've apparently learned how to fall slowly, because I'm not hurt. Thankfully it was good snow, so even though it packed onto my butt and side I fell on, it just brushed right off!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sound like an item to be added to the honey-do list. Pipe that rain leader to a planter. And no I won't fly out there to help.....maybe next summer.